
Baptism is the gateway to the other sacraments. It is a sacrament of initiation, as are Confirmation and Holy Communion. To be a Christian you must be baptized. By being baptized you bear the name of Christ. You have a new identity, you become a member of the Christian community, and part of the Body of Christ.

During the Baptismal Rite we get new clothes (white garment), a lighted candle to show the way, water to cleanse us and help us grow, oil for strength, even a companion for the journey (sponsor). But this is only the beginning of the journey of faith.

We must take care not to restrict Baptism to one single moment, or overlook that part of the sacrament which sees Baptism as the beginning of a journey. The journey always begins with an invitation, a call from God through the Christian community to live the Gospel as a committed disciple of Christ.